The city of Bucyrus, Ohio was in need of a new water treatment plant. Tonka Water, a U.S. Water Brand (Tonka Water) provided a cost-effective solution, based on their 60 years of knowledge and experience in the design and implementation of surface water treatment systems. The new system includes two Tonka Water TriClear™ clarifiers and a Centralator™.
The treatment of turbidity and hardness begins with chemical treatment as water is fed into two TriClear clarifiers. The TriClear conventional upflow solids contact clarifier combines mixing, coagulation, clarification and sludge removal. The clarifier internals for this project are made of stainless steel with the basin walls and floor constructed of concrete.
After clarification, water is filtered through the Tonka Water Centralator. The Centralator is a four-cell cluster gravity filtration system with a central control column. The Centralator system includes Tonka Water’s Simul-Wash™ backwash system, a proven sustained, simultaneous air/water filter backwash system that extends the life of filter media, minimizes backwash waste, and frees nearly all captured filter debris. Simul-Wash works well in a variety of configurations, from horizontal and vertical pressure filters to low profile retrofit applications on gravity filters.
The Bucyrus plant has been exceeding expectations since start-up and continues to have consistent performance.
Cost Effective Treatment Solution Provided in Ohio