The Splash

Sustainable Membrane Treatment Solutions for Optimal System Performance

Across the globe, there has been a decrease in water quality, whether it be through water scarcity or water abundance and local regulations. Water must meet a certain quality before being used in many processes and utility water. Purifying water and meeting quality before a process usually involves some sort of pre-treatment -- such as reverse osmosis (RO) membranes, microfiltration (MF) or ultrafiltration (UF), and multi-media filtration (MMF) -- and those can be expensive to maintain as well as wasteful to dispose of. 
Facilities can spend thousands of dollars per year replacing and disposing of used membranes. However, it does not have to come to this. Proactively protecting membranes will provide cost savings, improve energy efficiency, reduce maintenance, and extend membrane life, ultimately enhancing water quality, availability, and system reliability. Avista, a Kurita product line, offers a variety of sustainable membrane treatment solutions that can enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure environmental responsibility.  


Antiscalants for major scaling issues are effective at low doses, reducing chemical usage and environmental impact. They handle challenging water conditions, efficiently disperse metals, extend operational cycles, reduce cleaning frequency, and minimize chemical discharge. They are specially formulated to address a broad spectrum of scale-forming salts and foulants from various water sources to help ensure performance stability and extend membrane life. 


Cleaners provide effective solutions for removing complex foulants and scalants. Available in liquid and powder forms, these products cater to diverse markets and are highly buffered to maintain pH stability. Safe for both membranes and operators, RoClean™ cleaners prevent redeposition on membranes and meet international compatibility standards. They restore membranes to optimal conditions, extend cleaning intervals, increase uptime, and enhance membrane longevity. 


Coagulants improve particle removal efficiency in MMFs. With minimal dosage requirements, RoQuest™ coagulants enable MMFs to achieve over 97% particulate removal. Membrane-compatible and featuring dual polymer synergy, these coagulants effectively treat various water sources, including surface, well, and seawater. They reduce fouling, decrease cleaning frequency and chemical consumption, and promote extended membrane lifespan.

Across Industries

From municipal to industrial, Kurita serves multiple industries -- not just the ones listed below -- to help our customers benefit:


Kurita’s Commitment to Sustainability 

At Kurita, we are driven by a deep commitment to create shared value for our customers and the environment. Kurita is dedicated to reducing greenhouse gases and promoting sustainability through continuous research and development. Kurita helps customers maintain membrane health through optimized system performance, maximizing service life and reducing the environmental impact of membrane replacement.   

Avista, a Kurita Product Line

Kurita offers tailored solutions for RO, MF/UF, and MMF membrane treatment. Through decades of experience innovating, Kurita remains the industry leader in membrane treatment due to its ability to understand each customer’s system and recommend an optimal treatment plan that pairs proper chemicals with services.

Moving Forward Together

Let's collaborate to help your business achieve its sustainability goals. Contact us to discuss a proactive strategy for optimizing membrane treatment, enhancing system efficiency and reliability, extending membrane life, and ultimately improving water quality and availability. 

Kurita America Inc.
6600 94th Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55445
(866) 663-7633
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