The Splash

Boiler Feedwater – Making the Case for Reverse Osmosis

Boiler feedwater is comprised of two very important, and increasingly expensive resources, steam condensate return and city (or well) makeup water. The condensate is valuable due to low electrical conductance, purity and high temperature. The makeup water is valuable because it is being overused and under conserved in many parts of the country, making the cost of water rise in almost all parts of the United States. [...]

Biological Augmentation Minimizes Odor, Improves Environmental Safety and Optimizes Operation at Wastewater Treatment Facility

A protein further processing plant located in midwest United States was concerned with objectionable odors, hydrogen sulfide levels, and poor system efficiency in their wastewater treatment plant. The cause of these issues was found to be a sludge cap on their waste receiving pit and the associated growth of anaerobic bacteria beneath the cap. To remediate this problem, select strains of naturally occurring aerobic [...]

Protecting Your Power Plant from Corrosion During Downtime

In the Power industry, every minute is critical. A smooth plant start-up is vital to operations, and directly linked to lay-up procedures. A thorough understanding of critical lay-up and start-up strategies & procedures, paired with a proper corrosion control protection program can prevent unscheduled downtime, reduce operating costs and increase plant reliability. In the gas fired combined cycle market, [...]

Power Plant Water Treatment System Restored After a Decade of Non-Use

After ten years of inactivity, a midwestern combined cycle power plant needed to bring its water treatment system back into operation. The previous equipment had been sitting idle after the previous owner went bankrupt, and required major cleanup and upgrades. While other water treatment companies were offering a chemical exclusive program, it was evident the plant would require a complete integrated solution to once [...]

U.S. Water’s Chemical Operations Quality Management System Achieves ISO 9001:2015 Certification

U.S. Water is proud to announce our Chemical Operations Quality Management System (QMS) is now ISO 9001:2015 certified. Following an extensive evaluation and auditing process, U.S. Water’s Chemical Operations QMS received this certification by meeting international ISO 9001:2015 requirements. Achieving this certification demonstrates U.S. Water’s commitment to providing quality and consistent service to our [...]

An Emerging Dichotomy in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Despite industry utilizing the internet for communications to “things” far before the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) terminology, much focus was put on the consumer market as the general IoT began to develop. This could be due to innovators focusing on the perceived higher volume of “things” required for the consumer market or the ability for the average innovator to have a deeper [...]

MIOX Primary Disinfection Solution Eliminates Facility Safety Concerns While Optimizing Cooling Tower Performance

Fouling associated with the excessive growth of microorganisms including bacteria, algae, and fungi is a natural, but preventable, issue in most cooling tower systems. As a common problem, facilities have a variety of chemical and mechanical disinfection solutions available when developing a treatment program. A South Dakota industrial manufacturer was combining ozone and a non-oxidizing microbiocide to manage [...]

A Week in Honduras

A team of Kurita America volunteers recently returned from a week-long trip with Pure Water for the World , supporting underserved children and families in the Trojes region in Honduras. UNICEF has identified Trojes as a “high-need” and “underserved” community, as waterborne illness and even deaths, have been widespread. Pure Water for the World has been supporting this community since 2009, [...]

Our Commitment to Safety, Each and Every Day

Sponsored by the National Safety Council (NSC) and held every June, National Safety Month is an opportunity for organizations and individuals to focus on preventing unnecessary injuries and deaths at work, on the roads, in our homes and our communities. This year’s theme is No One Gets Hurt, and supporters nationwide are encouraged to make one change in their lives that can improve safety. So, why does [...]

U.S. Water Plans to Appeal Recent Ruling That pHytOUT® Patents Are Invalid

U.S. Water announces that on May 25, 2018, the United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin overturned a decision by a unanimous Federal Court jury that U.S. Patent Nos. 8,415,137 and 8,609,399 relating to U.S. Water’s pHytOUT® deposit control technology were valid. U.S. Water plans to appeal the ruling and proceed to defend these patents.  “We are obviously disappointed in the [...]

A Closer Look at Food & Beverage Industry Certifications

Food & Beverage (F&B) facilities make products that are intended for human consumption, therefore food safety is always an area of major concern. For over a century, compliance with the rules and regulations of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have  been a driving force in the F&B processing industry, and it’s their regulation that guides [...]

U.S. Water's ProClean AB 1000 Optimizes Ethanol Producer's Fermentation Process and Reduces Treatment Costs

Even with quality cleaning practices in place, there is a risk of bacterial infection during the fermentation process of ethanol production. When bacteria are present, it can inhibit yeast productivity and loss of alcohol production can occur. Many ethanol producers utilize an antibiotic program to control bacteria growth and optimize product yields. A Midwest ethanol producer was utilizing a competitor’s [...]