The Splash

The Internet of Things and its Benefit to U.S. Water Customers

There is a lot of talk in the technology market about the Internet of Things (IoT). But, what does that mean and how does it affect water treatment technologies? As people living in a modern world, technology is the center of nearly everything we do. Human nature constantly drives us to improve our “things” through newly engineered technology. The Internet of Things (IoT) is about using technology to [...]

U.S. Water’s Unique Sulfur Control Solutions

Let's start with the scrubber. Aldehydes, primarily acetaldehyde, in fermentation gas are considered to be “hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)” by EPA. Aldehyde control is often based on sulfites, which react with the aldehydes, making them “scrubbable”. If you use more than required sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas can freely pass through the final stages of distillation and dehydration and [...]

Ethanol Final Filter Improve Plant's Final Product Quality in Two Days

After commencing an enzyme trial, an upper Midwest ethanol plant discovered elevated sulfate levels as fermentors were cycled through the plant. Out of spec ethanol cannot be marketed, and plant operations needed to act quickly to fix the product to avoid costly product rejection fees or plant shutdown. The plant was familiar with Kurita America’s ethanol industry experience and the Ethanol Final Filter (EFF) [...]

Ethanol Final Filter Commercialized; Problems Solved at Fuel Ethanol Plant

After an ethanol plant initiated some significant process changes, they encountered a final product sulfate issue that they had not faced before. Although the process changes provided excellent yields and the related economics were sound – meeting the final product quality specifications for sulfate became a problem. Blending provided a degree of relief, but created logistical challenges. The customer looked to [...]

FSMA Regulations and Their Impact on Water Treatment Chemistry for the Ethanol Industry

In 2011, the FDA was given a new mandate to require comprehensive, science based preventive controls across the food supply. These regulations, collectively called the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), apply to food for both human and animal consumption. While there have been rules governing food additives and safety for many years, these new rules further refine the requirements around control plans. The new [...]

How Does Piping Design Affect Bacteria Growth in Water Systems?

Q&A with U.S. Water’s Project Manager, Jason Mitchell   What is high purity water, and where is it used? High purity water, also referred to as ultrapure or deionized water, must comply with quality requirements to sustain specific production goals and standards. It is used in a variety of industries where bacterial contamination is strictly regulated such as biopharmaceutical, [...]

U.S. Water Launches Revolutionary Breakthrough in Sustainable & Cost-Saving Cooling Water Treatment

U.S. Water has launched PhosZero™ with E-FeX™ Technology, a breakthrough in sustainable chemistry for cooling water treatment. U.S. Water's latest generation of PhosZero contains E-FeX Technology, a synergistic blend of ingredients that replaces the most common uses of phosphorus in cooling water applications. The PhosZero family of cooling water treatment products are designed to provide both [...]

Reverse Osmosis Membrane Advancements

Every day consumers research and identify what goods and services are available in the market for the particular area they are looking for. They buy based on the features they value and the price they are willing to pay. It's not very common that a consumer will buy without some level of evaluation. Contrast that with decisions in the industrial world and many times that level of evaluation doesn't take place. [...]

The Pursuit of a Green Carbon Steel Corrosion Inhibitor: Laying the Groundwork - Part 2

Abstract Many inhibitors considered for use in an environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitor program are organic in nature and may be subject to oxidation. This paper aims to expand on previous studies to determine acceptable green corrosion inhibitors for use in open system cooling waters by examining the effect of oxidizing biocide on their performance. Pilot-scale corrosion testing is used to generate results [...]

The Pursuit of a Green Carbon Steel Corrosion Inhibitor: Laying the Groundwork - Part 1

Abstract Corrosion control of carbon steel heat exchange components is becoming more important as energy costs rise and the demand for environmentally friendly chemicals is on the water technology forefront. This article explores the effectiveness of various inhibitors in open system cooling tower water that is both corrosive and scaling. Part 1: Laying the Groundwork gives an overview of the inhibitors tested and [...]

Why Should I Lay-Up My Cooling Tower?

Each year we get many of these questions from people, all stemming back to the central question of what is cooling tower lay-up and why do we do it? If any of these sound familiar to you then you may want to read on. “We wait to punch tubes until spring.” “I just drain the tower piping to the roof line.” “We leave the tower filled ‘just in case.'” “I [...]

Trends in Industrial Wastewater Treatment

U.S. Water’s Technical Manager, Gary Engstrom provided insight into wastewater trends for Flow Control Magazine. The article, written by Matt Migliore, appears below. As the scarcity of water becomes a more pressing issue worldwide, the drive for industry to reclaim and reuse wastewater grows more important. Moreover, industry faces increasingly stringent state and federal requirements regulating [...]